Friendly Green™ Lab Wipes

Friendly Green™ are environmentally friendly lab wipes made from 100% recycled cellulose (at least 50% post consumer). They come packaged in recycled and biodegradable boxes, making them the complete ecologically friendly wipe option. Friendly Green™ wipes are a great alternative to Kimberly Clark’s Kimwipes 34256 & 34155.

Why Choose Friendly Green™

Eco Friendly | 100% Recycled Cellulose | Laboratory Wipe

Delicate Task Wipers


Ideal for optics and other sensitive surfaces

Friendly Green™ are made of single-ply, low linting, absorbent, and soft material.


Excellent for light duty applications

They are used in a variety of


Low linting and low in chemical extractables

They’ll leave surfaces extremely clean. 

Eco Friendly

A perfect wipe for: wiping instruments and other equipment with a laboratory
or medical facility.

100% Recycled Cellulose

A perfect wipe for: wiping sensitive surfaces such as optics and lenses.

 Low in lint and chemical extractables

A perfect wipe for: removing dust & other particles, cleaning liquids.

Benefits of being environmentally green - more than just a quality delicate task wiper…

Did you know..

Disposable tissue products contribute to the destruction of forests that have been
around for over 10,000 years.

Top suppliers of tissue products are clearing old-growth and other forests with
ecological significance to produce the pulp that goes into wipes. Numerous diverse
natural forests, particularly in the Canadian Boreal, the southeastern United States
and throughout the developing world, are being cleared - sometimes replaced by
ecologically barren mono-culture plantations that are maintained with toxic
Additionally, these wipe producers among the world’s largest creators of toxic air,
water pollutants and waste products

So is there something we can do? Ancient forest friendly tissue products do exist
and their availability is increasing.
Enter friendly green.
Friendly green lab wipes are made from recycled cellulose (at least 50% post-consumer)
- a true ecologically friendly wipe option!

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Questions? Talk to our fantastic Product Specialists!

The demand for green products has become increasingly higher as people all over the world become more aware of protecting our planet ecosystems.
Eco-friendly products are also known as green products. These products are not harmful to the environment (whether in their production, use, or even disposal).
Their benefits are:
help conserve energy, 
minimize carbon footprints 
don't lead to a lot of toxicity and pollution.

"Going Green 101:  

1. Lower costs

2. Live healthier

3. Live in a sustainable world

4. Improve your quality of life

5. New fields development" -

"There has never been a greater demand for sustainable technology that will positively impact our environment. Our wipes are manufactured with 100% recycled cellulose, which is a consistent and reliable material. I am confident that the Friendly Green wipes will leave customers satisfied!" -

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